The Duality of Laurel
First of all, I heard on NPR is what I meant to say. Second of all, does this page give you emotional whiplash? Imagine how tired I am living like this. One second, I’m writing about bug pee and the next it’s about our sacred right to self-expression and how I will never let that be taken away.
Although I’m being glib, this dream was disturbing. I hope that my intuition about everything that’s happening in our country is wrong. All that I know is that I have to keep going. I’m not sure if I will continue at this pace all year— this is a project that I’m holding loosely. I don’t want it to become something mired in obligation and guilt. As I said on Jan. 1, self-expression is a gift, so it’s my intention to keep giving this time and space to myself. Ta-ta for now, February comics to start soon!