Spiderella is now on Kickstarter!
You can visit the Kickstarter page for our campaign here!
Romey made so many wonderful graphics for this project! He also made our amazing video.
The beautiful batch of test copies we received!
On the Kickstarter page, you'll find lots of info about the rewards, the risks and all that good stuff!
Spiderella has been a dream for Romey and me practically since we met 6 years ago. I still remember when he told me the story and I secretly thought, "I want to draw it!" I was thrilled when he asked me if I would illustrate it because that had been my evil plan all along.
The work I did for Spiderella is honestly the work I'm most proud of. I still glance back at the pages and think, "I did that!?" And now we're ready to share that work with the world.
Here are three ways you can help:
1. Back the Kickstarter and get some lovely rewards.
2. Share the link on social media-- the more eyeballs, the better!
3. Tell someone who you think will like it, too. Text, email, call! Reach out to someone special and tell them about this book.
The Kickstarter Campaign will end on October 31st, a very auspiciously spooky date. So put on your fanciest costume, markyour calendar, and spread the word!