
It’s a great time for a little breathing exercise. Let’s try it, okay?

On Valentine’s Day, a hawk ate a squirrel right outside the library. I have never, ever seen a hawk in the wild that close! He sat right on a bench and ate the squirrel for about thirty minutes. Maybe it was gruesome, but hawk’s gotta eat.

Later that afternoon, I visited my dad at the hospital. He was asleep so I sat with him for a moment and watched over him as I imagine he did so many times when I was a baby. The next day, I went back to visit and cried— hence the realization above.

This page is not my favorite in my sketchbook so far. I wish the colors were more cohesive and everything got muddy in the section about the breathwork class. To be fair to myself, I was feeling pretty out of it by the time I got home to draw that evening. The class was intense and I felt woozy and out of it. It’s not something I could do all the time, but I can absolutely appreciate the benefits.